Marvel's Spider-Man follows Peter Parker as he struggles to maintain a balance between his chaotic personal life and life as the friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man. When the fate of millions of New Yorkers rests on his shoulders, Peter must rise up to become even greater to protect his city and the people he loves.
The bestselling video game, Marvel's Spider-Man, is not only one of the most charming and action-packed video games ever, it is the definitive Spider-Man experience for gamers. Players get to crawl in the shoes of Spider-Man as they explore New York and experience a new adventure, along the way collecting a variety of cool Spidey suits that were inspired by the wall-crawler's different outfits throughout his extensive comic book history.
Hot Toys continues their awesome series of Spider-Man Cosbaby figures based on the critically acclaimed video game with six new Spidey suits figures to add to your collection. Each figure in the series has been designed in the cute Cosbaby style with a bobble-head function and stands approximately 7-9cm tall.
This Cosbaby figure showcases the webslinger in silver Mark I armoured suit as he readies to strike, and features fine metallic painting for a shiny finish.
Add the Spider-Man Spider Armor Mark I Suit Cosbaby (S) Hot Toys Figure to your Cosbaby collection.
Product Specifications
- Spider-Man - Spider Armor Mark I Suit Cosbaby